Every household may face financial difficulties from time to time. With lower incomes and all the bills that have to be paid each month, it is sometimes difficult to do otherwise. A payment incident can quickly arise. How can it be managed? What can I do to avoid bank charges?
How can a payment incident occur?
No one is immune from debt, especially with the current rising cost of living. Debts can accumulate and cause payment incidents. These can then lead to civil lawsuits. The most frequent cases of payment incidents are banking bans, rejected direct debits or transfers and unauthorized overdrafts. Similarly, a bounced cheque is automatically rejected by the bank.
If you face a payment incident, you should know that the bank is obliged to inform you at least 14 days before charging the charges endorsed by the incident so that you have time to regularise the problem. Many banks do not hesitate to send a letter of information even before the cheque is rejected. The letter explains the means that will allow you to regularize your situation and the risks linked to the non-regularization of your situation. The payment of fees can therefore be avoided if the incident is dealt with quickly. Go to this site to find effective solutions to resolve this complication.
How to regularise a payment incident?
In order to regularise a payment incident, a replenishment of the account with a new presentation of the payment order is necessary. It is also possible to pay the amounts due directly to the creditor. The charges generated by the payment incident are defined by law. They vary according to the financial conditions of each individual. For people with a stable financial status, the fees are of course higher. On the other hand, those who are in a situation of financial fragility particularly benefit from a specific banking offer. This financial fragility is, however, defined by several criteria, but generally, reference is made to those who are over-indebted. In all cases, the precise amount generated by the incident will be indicated in the bank's letter. In case of non-payment, there is a risk of civil lawsuits and banking ban for 5 years. It should be noted that beyond the financial penalties, a payment incident is likely to jeopardize customers' future projects. For example, they will not be able to access bank loan offers.
How to manage a payment incident?
The best way to limit the bank charges caused by a payment incident is to learn how to manage your budget well in order to avoid being overdrawn. You need to pay special attention to your current expenses. This is essential in order to keep detailed track of your cash inflows and outflows, and to be able to get around delicate circumstances. Nowadays, keeping track of expenses on a regular basis is no longer a difficult undertaking thanks to the various budget management tools available online.
A fragile financial situation is the first source of debt. When it starts to surface, try to limit bank withdrawals so that you don't have to pay additional fees. If the fees charged by your bank are high enough compared to others, consider switching banks. When you face a financial difficulty, it is imperative that you inform your bank so that a solution can be found quickly. This is always better than letting circumstances deteriorate.
To avoid critical financial situations, it is advisable to save to anticipate difficult month ends. The apparent ease of revolving credit is very tempting. But in most cases, this solution only aggravates the existing problem.